Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A week that was..

Its been a roller coaster ride so far from lazing to guitar classes, to getting the code done, to the endless lectures ,to trying to make some sense of those differential equations (which was very easy back in college)and applying them to some real time problems , to the changes in the workplace ,its all happening .It was frustrating , confusing, and as well as exciting time . Wonder what's in store next ? Technology wise just picking up some stuff in SOA and Web Services need to put them use in the next project .
I"m getting ready for the hols next week ,get the much deserved break and hopefully catch with some more guitar practice .. well I"m getting there ..

Oops Did i talk about Digital Fortress , picked the book in Sunday afterrnoon ,this one too lives up to its expectations Dan Brown strikes again .. the book as one of the readers said is unputdownable .. for all those fiction buffs make sure you are not going to miss this one ..
Enuf said ... getting late ...


Anonymous said...

Nice to know that u r working with fundoo stuff. I'm just curious where and how differential equations are applied.

Vijay said...

For a minute while solving the problem i thot it was fundoo too .. but later realized it was plain math . The idea was to find out the rate of flow of liquid (water) in a right circular cone of height h and radius r ...