Friday, September 23, 2005

Darn It ,

Spent the last hour fiddling with wierd issues when starting the server.. life was good till afternoon ,it was at this point I decided to speed up things and changed the implementation , alas forgot to change the property file ... the server started to spew venom .. took me about 40 mins to get the new config back and its humming softly now ... what a rookie ?

People have already started leaving ... makes me think of the maniac traffic outside .. one of the most favorite topic Bangaloreans have ,the name driving needs to be rechristened as "avoiding"

Time's up ... Need to complete a couple of more tasks before going home

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Thanks AK, for the term , was actually lost for words , when trying to describe my guitar classes Situation Normal but All Fouled Up .. could'nt properly get the finger shift ,if that works the rhythm is lost ..45-60 mins of practice not working at all in my fav..planning to squeeze in some practice before the weekend comes , In the days of fast foods and instant coffee.. just learnt that music is not on the instant list .. So that's the update from my guitar .

Work's been pretty fun these days ... reading code has been quite an interesting task so has been learning the framework.. My first impression from a user point of view of this framework (API) it's pretty simple and effective ,need to dig a lil deeper .
To quote Mopheus " I do need to find how deep is the rabbit's burrow"

To be continued ....