Tuesday, August 24, 2004

What say folks ?

Imagine a software application written without proper error handling mechanism. guess how wud the maintenance be ..ask me ?? i had a pretty torrid time setting up the application last week and struggled for more than a couple of hours with a classic classpath problem. I just cant stress the importance of having the correct set of classes in the source control..What more ,In case if some thing goes wrong show the user a blank page to test how vivid his imagination can be ...had a pretty frustrating time with the setup it took more effort than my coding ...finally was able to get it up and running after some hours of SOP and commenting of the code found that the logger part was not working ...so the application is not working ...yup u would read it right ...the logger is not working and so the application is not working ....what can any one say ? i am muted ... what say folks ?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

So i am back after hibernation, I was too busy doing nothing ... trying out my hand at developing utilities like FTP in java , SMTP , writing use cases ..writing schedulers to read and generate some stupid reports ..coping with the everyday travel of 3 hours right through main arteries of the city .. just noticed that my ejb skills are becoming a rusty ...an ejb(ean) a day keeps rustiness away !.